I was tasked with fully developing an explainer video for Sling TV. This included scripting the video, designing artwork, storyboarding, music sourcing, voiceover artist auditioning, editing, and animating over the course of 2.5 weeks. I worked with QuickFrame in planning the project timeline and production schedule and then worked more closely with the Sling TV team in developing creative. This video was meant to showcase a deal for receiving an Over the Air antenna with a monthly purchase of Sling TV.
In the pre-production process I focused on developing the script with the Sling TV, sourcing music, auditioning voice-over, developing concepts, and developing designs. While I waited for feedback on concepts and scripts, during this stage, I spent my free time audience VO talent and sourcing music. I use Voices.com for finding the right VO artist and Artlist.io for sourcing music. Once we agreed on a concept and script we were able to quickly choose a VO artist and music from the selections I picked.
Once we had the concept, script, and general visuals agreed upon I jumped into designing the visuals and cinematic shots. Due to the quick timeline of the this project I had actually started the design process before everything was locked in order to keep everything moving. Normally, Sling TV would include featured stations and content, but due to the timeline we did not have the allowed time to approve all of this content. That essentially meant that we could only use pre-approved content/UI and original designs.
After storyboarding I started working on bringing everything together in a video format. I always start off by putting together an animatic which is simply a video with just the frames, VO, and music for setting up timing. This is often not shared with the client, but is essential for making sure that everything that is developed is working together. From there I jumped into animation! This is typically the step I get more involved in, but since I had personally done all the pre-production and development I felt extremely comfortable jumping right into this.
Just after a few rounds of revisions in 3 days we were able to get the video to where we wanted it to be.
In the process of developing the first video the Sling TV team decided they wanted to create a version of the video that did not specifically focus on the current promotion. This version would be something they could post later when the promotion was finished.